- - FROM 2019 ONWARDS - -

What is Magma Warriors?

The next Magma game I have planned, conceived as I revisited The Gate and played with the Magma Blast engine.

As a Magma Warrior, you gather Bubble Gems to summon elemental powers and control fire, freeze water, change weather and more. You puzzle through the world, alter how it's nature works and battle those who blockade and weaponize the Bubble Gems.

Here are some concept drawings for Magma Warriors. I aim for visuals that are delightfully vibrant, yet simple enough for a child to draw from memory. 

What do you need to know about Magma Warriors?

The Bubble Gems of Magma Warriors don't follow the same rules as the ones in Magma Blast. Magma Blast's Bubble Gems give you temporary bonus powers. In Magma Warriors, they function a little differently.

Bubble Gems channel forces of nature. Red Bubble Gems channel fire/heat, Orange Gems channel light, Yellow electricity, Green air/wind, White ice and Blue water. Bubble Gems are found where their force of nature is present, so you'll find lots of Blue Bubble Gems in rivers, etc.

By gathering Bubble Gems, you can summon nature-based powers. Gather Red Gems to control fire/create heat, Orange to affect/create light/change night-to-day, Yellow to transmit electricity, Green to affect wind/breathe underwater, White to freeze things and gather Blue Bubble Gems to summon/control water.

Below is Magma Junior, the (SPOILER) daughter of Gate Magma, extinguishing fire with Blue Gem power. Bubble Gems act like ammo supplies. Using water skills will deplete Blue Gems, so keep gathering as many as you can.

Purple and Pink Bubble Gems are the most abstract. Purple gems channel gravity. Gathering them allows you to float, levitate objects, propel things psychic-mind-push style, etc. Pink Gems channel health, giving you more hit points and greater strength to lift heavy objects with.

Sometimes you must spend Gems of one type to generate Gems of another type. Example: Use Blue Gems to water flowers. This keeps the flowers healthy, so they'll sprout Pink Gems. Use Gems wisely! If you're low on health and you see a flower, make sure you have Blue Gems to hand!

By combining amounts of each Gem, you can cause all kinds of strange effects and find fun, creative ways around a problem. Need to cross a large gap? Fire a jet of water with Blue Gems and freeze it with White Gems to create an ice bridge!

Because of these rules, every time in this game's world you see a river, pond, ocean or body of water, you'll think "BLUE GEMS! GET EM!" Every plant, tree, rock, EVERYTHING in this world can be used to generate Bubble Gems of one color or another!

That being said, enemy factions will turn entire world-regions into anti-gem zones. Until you vanquish those factions, you won't be able, in those zones, to gather Bubble Gems from all the obvious places. Example: In anti-gem zones, you won't find any Blue Bubble Gems inside rivers, lakes, etc.

You'll have to think of alternative ways to get the Gems you need from an Anti-Gem Zone (AGZ). Sometimes, the task is simple, like finding ice and melting it with fire to create water/Blue Bubble Gems...

...and other times, you have to think harder and get inventive. Below, Magma Jr is using Orange Gems to bring out the sun, causing water in an AGZ ocean to evaporate. The wind, which can be controlled with Green Gems, will carry the resulting rain clouds out of the AGZ...

...to create rainfall elsewhere, and bring with it BLUE BUBBLE GEMS.

So, use your brain, work around the AGZ's to gain gem power, beat the enemy factions and clear the AGZ's. Your reward? ALL THE GEMS THE AGZ'S KEEP FROM YOU! The blue Gems in all those ALL those AGZ rivers will be yours!

That's the logic and fun-factor of Magma Warriors for you! My goal with this game is to outdo Link To The Past. I admit that such an ambition is overreaching, delusional, bat-shit insane and all things similar, BUT if you're gonna make a game, why NOT aim that high?

Want Magma Warriors to exist faster? HELP ME OUT WITH MONEY! Visit patreon.com/lenaray - That's...

and donate from $1! With enough support, everything else I'm working on will arrive faster too!

Any questions, confusion or compliments about Magma Warriors? Leave a comment below!

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